31 December, 2012

5 Steps To Implementing Dinar And Dirham

By: Abbas Word, IMN-World Islamic Standard

The goal of any efforts to restore the dinar and dirham as an actual medium of exchange, should be viewed from the point of view of Islam, which is one of the main objectives is reestablished pole zakat (the mall). Zakat is one of the main pillars of Islam, which has been marred by the system of usury, banks and paper money. In return, we require mu'amalat Islam initial stages could soon worked together starting with:

First. Immediately get dinar and dirham from IMN-Islamic World Standard in Dinarfirst archipelago. Dinarfirst Kiosk Network can help you to get the Dinar and Dirham coins directly. If you do not have physical access to the Dinar and Dirham, you also can buy gold or silver bullion or you can buy any kind of gold or silver coins or pure best. For further information please call +6281808872081 or +628771997991

Second. Opening an account Dinarfirst or buy dinar and dirham online at www.dinarfirst.org, and you can also keep it in Dinarfirst archipelago in Dinarfirst Courier service (registration required). Dinarfirst also provides transactions through mobile phones, and Yahoo! Messenger. Account type gold and silver from Dinarfirst will allow us to be able to transact with gold and silver anywhere and anytime, which is gold and silver are recognized and accepted worldwide. As information is currently only Dianrfirst receiving all the dinar and dirham for muamalah. Follow twitter @ dinarfirst

Third. Invite the manufacturers, suppliers and your customers to open an account dinar and dirham and offers them to pay and get paid using the dinar and dirham easily and quickly via phone or IM. Daily exchange rate of the dinar and dirham can be viewed via the website or via phone www.dinarfirst.org and Yahoo! Messenger are registered in Dinarfirst. More info email to contact@dinarfirst.org or +6287719971991 and +6281808872081

Fourth. Join the YOU (Merchant Nusantara) to build a network of shops and users Dinar and Dirham in your community and publishes booklets listing all participants, regularly updated with new members receiving Dinar and Dirham of any compliant Standard IMN-Islamic world. Start collecting Zakat which can then be collected into the treasury Nabawi and distributed using the Dinar and Dirham to the berhakl accept. Please be YOU, please send details of your business to contact@dinarfirst.org or calls and SMS to +6287719971991 or follow twitter @ saudaradinar

Fifth. Establish capital Qirad or mudharaba and invites users to invest dinar and dirham. Capital Qirad not to manufacture or manufacturer. The funds will be devoted to trade finance activities in accordance with the rules Qirad. These benefits will be divided among the investors in accordance with the conditions specified in the contract.

In the end, we need to emphasize that we do not need a system of usury, banks and paper money which has now ruin all aspects of our lives. By obeying Allah and His Apostle we will get a realization that a lawful is a fact for us, whereas usury becomes impossible for us Muslims.

May God give us the strength and wisdom to abandon his lap and set in our time. Amin

Pure Gold Coins Already Used Late Nineteenth Century 4

Brief history of gold coins below to prove that gold coins can yield 24K is already printed with the technology that existed at the time, as well as historical evidence to refute the erroneous understanding of a group of people who claim that the technology of gold at that time could not reach the purity of 24K (9999). Islamic Mint Nusantara and World Islamic Standard has stated that the dinar is pure gold (dzahab) as jurisprudence, so the things that need attention from the Islamic Dinar Dirham is the purity level of the best (highest) and weight based on the unit mitsqal. Certainly God commands something we can carry out relevant Shari'a.

Pure Gold Coins Already Used Late Nineteenth Century 4
Gold solidus of Magnus Maximus, Roman, late 4th century AD
Source: The British Museum

Magnus Maximus (reigned 383-388 AD) was a military commander in the Roman-British, began an uprising in 383 AD He fought his way to Italy, killing the legitimate emperor of the West at the time. However, he ultimately lost the war and sentenced to death by the Emperor of the East.

During the rebellion seems very likely London producing Roman coins for the last time. We know that in the fourth and fifth centuries the City of London called Augusta, likely as a tribute from the empire, but it is not known exactly why or when. History shows that the name is not related, and the fourth-century historian Ammianus Marcellinus when explaining the name of honor (Augusta), he used the old name (London) when mentioning the city.

Coin shown here is the solidus, the main gold coins of the Roman Empire End. It is lighter than a standard aureus, which had previously been used in the Roman world. Solidus was introduced by Constantine the Great, which is produced in large quantities, mostly in gold taken from pagan temples. 565 solidi found in Hoxne hoard, now in the British Museum. Solldus Gold, Weight: 4:44 grams, Diameter: 20mm, 99%.

On the reverse (behind) of the coin shows an image of two emperors share globe. This reflects the division of the empire between east and west at this time. Image of 'two emperors and globes "lasted until the ninth century, which is reproduced on the coins are rare Anglo-Saxon. Coat VICTORIA AVGG Victory and writings referring to their success in the war. Both G of AVGG show that it stands Augustorum, which of the two emperors instead of just one. At the bottom of the picture "two emperors and globes" written AVG OB. OB is a guarantee of the purity of gold (which means obryzatus Latin word, made of pure gold) and AVG refers hometown AVGVSTA minting the city (in the Augusta read), the new name of the city of New London in the fourth and fifth centuries.

R.A.G. Carson, Principal coins of the Romans, vol. 3 (London, The British Museum Press, 1981)
C. Foss, historical Roman coins (London, Seaby, 1990)
J. Williams (ed.), Money: a history (London, The British Museum Press, 1997)

Islam Today And Understanding Riba

By: Abbas Word, IMN

This paper is presented to answer the question of what is the real source of the problem is that Islam today is against the Muslims of Indonesia (Nusantara) in particular and the world in general. This paper opens the curtains kebusukkan of usury system (banks and paper money), Demorkasi is a tool of global capitalism that ensures that we continue to be controlled and oppressed both physically and mentally. Riba is a hate crime in God even God declared war terhadapa moneylenders or loan sharks (bankers) who today legalized in a democracy. The question What is usury? whether usury was limited interest? What is the relationship Riba and paper money? How do I fix this? let us refer to this paper

Allah subhana wa ta'ala and the Messenger alayhi wasallam salallaahu clearly forbidden usury-ie, including the setting and take interest:

People who eat (take) riba can not stand but as stands one whom Satan possessed because (pressure) insanity. Thus those circumstances, it is because they say (argue), 'Verily sale is the same as usury, "but Allah has made buying and selling and forbidden usury. People who have to ban him from his Lord, and then stop (from taking usury), then for him what he has taken first (before coming ban) and his business (up) to God. People who repeat (taking riba), that person is the dwellers of the Fire, they will abide therein.

Allah destroy usury and nourish charity. And Allah does not like every person who remains in disbelief, and always sin. Surely those who believe, work righteousness, establish prayer and pay zakat, their reward with their Lord. There is no fear come upon them, and not (also) they grieve.

O ye who believe, fear Allah, and leave the rest of usury (which have not been collected) if ye are believers. So if you do not do (of war) then know that Allah and His Messenger will fight you. And if ye repent, then you staple your treasure; You do not persecute and not (also) be persecuted. Al-Quran 2: 275-278

"O you who believe, do not consume usury, doubled and ye fear Allah that you may prosper. And save yourself from hell, reserved for those who disbelieve. And obey Allah and the messenger, that ye may be given mercy. "Al-Quran 3: 130-13

Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi'bahwa he heard 'Abdullah ibn' Umar said, "If someone lends something, let the sole condition that settled." Al-Muwatta Imam Malik: 31.44.94

Malik narrated to me that he heard 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said, "If someone makes a loan, they can not assign the agreement more than that. Although only a handful of grass, it is usury. "Al-Muwatta Imam Malik: 31.44.95

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Messenger alayhi wasallam salallaahu curse those who receive, who pays, who witnessed, and which records usury. Sunna Imam Abu Dawud: 16.1249.

Riba literally means "excess" in Arabic. Qadi Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi, in his book 'Ahkamul Qur'an', defined as: 'Any excess of the value of goods given to the value-tandingnya (value of goods that are received).' Excess refers to two things:

1. Additional benefits derived from an unjustified increase in weight and size and.
2. Additional benefits derived from the delay (time) is not justified.

Definition of usury in Islam is described in more detail Ibn Rushd (al-Hafid) a Jurist, in his book al-Mujtahid Bidaya, Chapter Trade. Ibn Rushd explained several sources usury into eight types of transactions:

1.Transaksi characterized by a statement 'Give me respite (in repayment) and I'll add (number of returns)
2. Sales with the addition of the forbidden;
3. Sales to delay payment of the forbidden;
4. Sales were mixed up with debt;
5. Sales of gold and merchandise for gold;
6. Reducing the amount in exchange for quick resolution;
7. Sales of food products that have not been fully accepted;
8. or Sales are mixed up with the exchange of money.

Please note that Ibn Rushd wrote Bidayat al-Mujtahid by analyzing the various opinions of the imams of the four main madhhab. Two aspects have prompted scholars to define two types of riba. Ibn Rushd said: "The judges of the consensus says about usury in Buyu '(trade) in two types of delay (nasi'ah) and the excess of the specified (tafadul)

So, there are two types of riba:

1. Riba al-fadl is the addition of the debts. Can be explained as follows, lease transactions involve two elements, both the delay and the value addition can only be done on certain objects such as buildings, vehicles, animals, and the like, and not the other objects are used up and can not utilized parts per share - such as food and objects to be used as a medium of exchange, ie money. Lease money means destructive nature of the transaction, and make it as usury. In this case what happens is riba riba al-fadl, as rents for similar money by adding value debts.

Transactions debts containing delay (difference) time, but no additional elements. Someone lend you 10 dinars, and the borrower to repay, after a delay of a few days, the same amount, 10 dinar. Delay time in debts is justified and lawful, but the addition of it is not justified and is haraam. The addition of the debts is riba al-fadl.

Riba al-Fadl refers to the number (quantity). Riba an-nasiah refers to the time delay. Riba al-fadl very easy to understand. In lending, riba al-fadl an interest to be paid. But in general, this represents an increase of usury in addition to match the value requested by a party.

2. Riba-Nasiah is an advantage because of the delay. Riba is an excess in time (delay) that are artificially added to the transaction taking place. The delay is not allowed. It refers to the real thing ('ayn) and intangible objects (Dayn), medium of payment (gold, silver and food - where gold and silver were used as money).

'Ayn (real) is the real merchandise, often referred to as cash. Dayn (not real) or a promise to pay the debt, or whatever the payment or repayment delayed. Swapping (safar) Dayn to 'ayn of the same type called riba an-nasiah. Swapping Dayn to Dayn also unclean. In exchange, which may be exchanged only 'ayn with' ayn.

Riba an-nasiah specifically refers to the use Dayn (not a real object) in the exchange (safar) a similar kind of thing. But this prohibition extends to general trade if Dayn (something that is not real) represents money that exceeds the actual function and replace 'ayn (the real thing) as a general means of payment.

Understanding riba an-nasiah very important to be able to understand our position with regard to paper money. The reason why the clergy modernist take on a distorted view of usury in the end is a senagaja and is not to endorse the banking system (paper money and interest) that actually can not be accepted. The failure of modern scholars in understanding the capitalist techniques has resulted justification that later transformed into Islamic banking or Islamic banking. Emergency principle combined with the elimination of riba an-nasiah has allowed them to justify the use of paper money and in turn justify the cash reserve banking (fractional reserve banking), which is the base of the banking system today that dimampankan in a democratic system.

From this it is clear visible position paper money banknotes position in muamalah Islam. In Islam all sale and purchase transactions must satisfy three conditions:

1. Voluntary or called antaroddin minkum,
2. Equivalent or called bi mithlan mithlin, and
3. Cash or called bi yaddan yaddin.

Paper money, called the dollar, euro or pound sterling or whatever, can not meet the third requirement. paper money is not voluntary, it is not equal, and no cash. so, you want to make buy eggs, rice, goat or pay for anything, paper money can not be used, vanity, is prohibited. Paper money can not meet the three conditions of sale, as in it contains two kinds of usury as well, namely:

1.Riba al Fadl (for inequality), and
2.Riba an Nasiah (due to payment delays) is.

So clearly, it's paper money, illicit doubled. Today, paper money and usury banking system entered ketengah Indonesian Muslims to integrate the (established) through a trojan horse called democracy.

By looking at the above, banks should not only be considered as a culprit usury but we also accept blame if usury is not something there that seemed distant foreign to us. To finish off this usury business days, realize that usury as part of the way we trade daily. We made so dependent on the practice of usury and the solution is to change the way we trade daily until no longer rely on usury. This is our common duty to obey God and His Apostle.

First we were told to leave usury, after that you may fisabilillah jihad. The Prophet clearly stated both parties involved in the transaction usury as proverbs.

"'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud Radiyallahu' anhu said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam cursed the levy and the pay usury. I asked what that record transactions and two witnesses. So he (hadith narrators) said, 'We say what we heard.' "(Al-Muslim, Chapter DCXXVII)

"Jabir said that Allah wa sallam cursed sallallahu'alayhi collector and payer, ticker, and two witnesses, then he said, 'They're all the same.'" (Al-Muslim, Chapter DCXXVII, 3881)

Some of the people who said 'smart' or people who already apathetic thought that we could not leave paper money and banking. In fact, leaving the matter of usury is not impossible, but it is the easiest. Starting with the return to the dinar and dirham. Because Allah subhanahu wa ta `ala does not impose an obligation on every human being beyond his control. Allah subhanahu wa ta `ala give a way out to be done by Muslims today in the archipelago that is left fighting usury and moneylenders (proverbs).

Leaving riba means create (restore) way trade (buying and selling) the lawful among us, beginning with the in-use them again Dinar Dirham. And combat proverbs (harb) is practicing again with all means to live in accordance with Shariah guidelines that will automatically destroy their means of usury. Both these things should be done simultaneously, because the less wise when we called and asked Muslims to leave the system and the general usury when at the same time there is no other option offered, and thank God it has been preferred in this regard has been circulating in Indonesia Islamic dinar and dirham has been printed by Muslims through Islamic Mint Nusantara Indonesia (2000), and has also goes Mobile dinar and dirham called Dinarfirst Dinarfirst Courier, Muslim Trade Network and the Open Market in YOUR (Saudagara Nusantara). This is our common task that lies before us, Muslims today. Obedience to Allah and His Messenger, is the key to victory.

As we have learned over the definition of usury which has been described by Ibn Rusd referring to four ulema Madhab, then we see Islam today so clear what the position of reformist Islam that seeks to Islamize the capitalist system of usury and paper money, then create Islamic banks or bank Sharia, these reformers intentionally or neglected aspect of understanding usury and paper money with a redefined sense of usury in order to enter the modern economy or a capitalist system that is fully based on usury through democracy into Muslim life today. Let's leave the system of usury that is prohibited by Allah and His Apostle, let us use the dinar and dirham, waiting. Bismillah.

The way out of the system is to return to practice usury life without usury ie without usury lawful trade in open markets with transactions without usury Islam, and how to get started? The first step to get back to the dinar coin can be started from ourselves and our families are:

1. Dhikr and ask help from God to be spared usury
2. Immediately save or store the dinar and dirham pure,
3. Starting pay zakat mal dinars dirham
4. Using a Mahar in Marriage
5. Using the family gathering
6. As a non-voluntary barter coins muamalah

Notices Publishing Dirham Nabawi

Bismillah, by praising Allah and His Messenger, with this IMN-Standard or the Islamic World Islamic Mint Nusantara want to convey the good news to the entire Muslim archipelago and the world that he had just finished printing process Dirham Nabawi mithqal standard or a standard called Nabawi. United Nabawi ready circulated by IMN / WIS.

This is a correction Nabawi Dirham IMN-World Islamic Standard on the weight and grade of the old standard Dirham weighing less than perfect, United Nabawi follow mithqal unit weight in accordance with the best levels of IMN Fatwa on weight and levels of Dinar and Dirham of Islam that has been published in 2011. Regarding Dirham old standard of IMN can be exchanged with the United Nabawi by following procedures and exchange terms will be announced soon by IMN. IMN hereby dismiss the print of the old standard Dirham coins. Alhamdulillah.

United Nabawi from IMN-World Islamic Standard has the following specifications:
Weight: 3.11 grams or 1/10 troy ounce or 7/10 mithqal
Diameter: 23 mm
Material: Pure Silver (AG/999)
Printer: IMN-World Islamic Standard

In Nabawi Dirham coins were imprinted marks as follows: designation coins, coin weight in grams and troy ounces, the purity of the material, the year published, the name of the printer is in authority.

Let us hasten to practice what Allah has commanded and what is exemplified by the Prophet salallahu alaihi yours respectfully to enter into Islam whole in muamalah us. Standard Nabawi is the Dirham or exchange can communicate directly with the standard troy ounce coins other than Islam as coins coins Maple (Canada), American Eagle (USA), Krugerand (South Africa) and Panda (China).

May God add the power of faith and piety to us all in the fight against usury and may God add a high love for us to practice this important matter with sincerity and intentions straight, amen. IMN-World Islamic Standard also like to thank and salute to all those who have willingly helped us in time, energy, property and encourages us to continue working on this important matter, may Allah reward with infinite kindness to them all, That edict us to all Muslims in the archipelago and the world. amin.


IMN_ WORLD ISLAMIC STANDARD is already made a documentation of Research, Historical Writing, Fiqh and Measurement for Dinar Dirham Islam concerning weight and purities, and followed by FATWA CONCERNING STANDARD WEIGHT AND PURITIES OF DINAR DIRHAM ISLAM (Januari, 2011). We found this  writing from Dr. Ahamed Kameel regarding The Historical Standard, Islamic Gold Dinar will put more and more the Dinar 24K (9999) in strong position to implement in our muamalah and the pillar of zakat (mal). 
Sources: Dr. Ahamed Kameel, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia.
Lately, there have been questions on what the standards for gold dinar and silver dirham are. Since the dinar and dirham indeed formed the Shari’ah monetary standards from the time of the Prophet pbuh, our work can, therefore, only involve in the rediscovery of that classical standard. Henceforth no parties or organizations can come up with their own standards. Since the Islamic gold dinar did not come into existence until after about 50 years of the Prophet’s pbuh demise, it is obvious from history that the solidus of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire was the monetary basis for the Shari’ah. Hence the best way to determine the standard is to look at the definition given by its issuer, the Byzantine Empire. Coins unearthed by archeologist cannot be relied upon for this purpose because such coins generally suffer from wear and possible tempering like clipping etc. It was found that the actual historical standard for the dinar to be 4.5gm of pure gold and the dirham to be 3.15gm of pure silver. However, since the role of dinar is simply as a measure of value that depends on the gold-content and if zakat is based upon 1-year’s provision of foodstuff, then the 4.25gm dinar of pure gold and 2.975gm dirham of pure silver, as those circulated during the Prophet’s pbuh era, is also a standard.
Undoubtedly, the interest in gold dinar among the public, academics, business community and even governments has increased lately. The turmoil in the US and Europe and the ongoing global economic and monetary crisis has added to this interest. Capitalism based on interest-based fiat monetary system is indeed collapsing and the world is on the lookout for possible solutions to the crisis. Returning back to gold as the international monetary standard has been one suggestion from some quarters. In the case of Islamic economics, the call is to go back to the Islamic gold dinar that was the monetary standard of Shari’ah throughout Islamic history till the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1924. The gold dinar is generally agreed upon as a 4.25gm gold coin, based upon the Roman solidus that circulated during the times of the Prophet pbuh. The gold dinar forms the monetary standard for the Shari’ah rulings on muamalat, zakat, hudud and mahr. Nonetheless, there is difference is opinion among the proponents of the gold dinar on the purity and weight of the coin – should it be made of 22K gold or 24K fine gold? Should it be 4.25gm or more than that?. Twenty four karat (24K) gold is fine gold, by today’s standard it is 99.99 percent pure. The 22K accordingly contains 91.66% gold, hence known as 916 gold. Due to the rounding, some gold dealers make it to be 917, which means that in one thousand parts, 917 parts is gold while the rest is some other metals, normally silver or copper.
The question whether the gold dinar is of fine gold or not is important because it is the Shari’ah standard and even the zakat, the fifth pillar of Islam, is based on it. The nisab for money is 20 dinars. One who had twenty dinar in one’s possession for one year will have to pay a 2½ % zakat on it, i.e. half-dinar. The objective of this paper is to determine using historical facts the standards for the dinar and dirham.
The Purity of the Islamic Gold Dinar: 22K or 24K?
This question should not be difficult to answer because the gold dinar had been a historical standard among Muslims for centuries. It is not a modern innovation or theoretical construction. Hence to answer the above question, one simply has to go back to history, particularly the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
The Prophet pbuh is reported to have said: The system of weights and measures is the system of the people of Medina (Sahih Bukhari).
History of the Gold Dinar During the Prophet’s Era in Medina
At the time of the Prophet pbuh the Muslims did not mint the gold dinars yet. The Prophet pbuh accepted the Roman Byzantine gold solidus, also known as the bezant, as the monetary standard for Muslims. In this is wisdom. It was this coin that circulated among the Arabs for decades before the Muslims minted their own coins. The Prophet would have not accepted it if it were not Islamic in nature, i.e. it promotes the maqasid al Shari’ah. It also has to be a standard that is just and stable; and facilitate trade and business even among Muslims and non-Muslims. In fact the first Islamic gold dinars were not minted until about half century after the demise of the Prophet pbuh, by the fifth Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan in the year 75H (697CE).
Since the gold coin of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire, the solidus, was the coin accepted by the Prophet pbuh and was circulating among the Muslims, it is this coin we need to research and understand. Surely the Islamic gold dinars minted by the later Muslim rulers would follow this standard. Before we go to this, let’s look at the purpose and functions of the gold dinar.
Function of the Gold Dinar
The gold dinar played the role of money in Islam. Hence it eliminated problems generally associated with barter trades, like double coincidence of wants and the problem of divisibility. However, as money, it also enabled people to specialize in whatever they do best and hence increased productivity, output and trade; and thereby increased the standard of living of the people. Hence among the most important function of the gold dinar as money was as a stable measure of value. By this, people are able to exchange goods and services in a just manner and able to save for future consumption and investments, transact in credit and repay debt in future. Al Ghazzali and Ibn Khaldun rightly asserted that Allah SWT created gold and silver as measure of value. Hence gold and silver are the standards by which the values of all things are measured.
Indeed, the current global monetary system that is based on fiat money has this stable measure of value missing since the collapse of the Bretton Woods in 1971. Hence it is void of a numeraire or an anchor that links the monetary sector to the real economy. I would assert this as the fundamental reason for the current collapsing of capitalism.
When anything is taken as a standard or measure, it has to be ‘pure’ and simple so that people can easily relate to it. Length is measured by kilometer for example. A kilometer is defined as the distance travelled by light in vacuum in 1⁄299 792.458 second. The kilogram on the other hand is defined as the base unit of mass in the International System of Units and is defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram (IPK), which is almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter of water[1]. Since international trade and business involves exchange of goods and services, what the world needs today is a stable measure of value against which the value of all things can be measured,
The Roman Aureus and Solidus
The Roman gold coin, the aureus, was among the earliest Roman gold coins, issued from the 1st century BC to the beginning of the 4th century. The aureus of Julius Caesar was struck 40 to the Roman libra pound. The libra pound is about 327.4gm. Hence, the coin weighed about 8gm. Later, the emperor Nero reduced the weight of the aureus by minting it 45 to the pound, i.e. about 7.3 gm. The aureus was then replaced by the solidus that was first introduced by Diocletian around 301 AD, struck at 60 to the Roman pound of pure gold, weighing about 5.5gm each. Due to its limited quantity its economic effects were minimal. Hence, the solidus was reintroduced by Constantine I in 312 AD, permanently replacing the aureus as the official gold coin of the Roman Empire. The solidus of Constantine was struck at a rate of 72 to a Roman Byzantine pound of pure gold which equals 324gm, each coin weighing twenty-four Greco-Roman carats, or about 4.5 grams of gold per coin. Analysis of the Roman aureus and solidus, regardless of the size or weight, shows the purity level to be near 24 carat gold in excess of 99%. [Cite] Whenever the coin was taken in by the treasury, it was melted down and reissued. This maintained the evenness of the weight of the circulating solidi[2].
Hence it is obvious that the gold dinars of the Roman solidus that circulated among the Arabs during the advent of the Prophet pbuh were of fine gold, exceeding 99 percent purity. However, since the solidi circulating outside the Roman empire including the Arab world, were not used to pay taxes to the emperor they did not get reminted, and hence the soft pure-gold coins became quickly worn[3]. The average weight of the coins in the Arab world was about 4.25gm, from the original weight of 4.5gm. Regarding this Bernstein said the following:
Less than fifty years after the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Arabs emulated the great rulers of the past with the debut of their own gold coinage – the dinar – issued by the Caliph Abd al-Malik at Damascus in 75H. These coins, 97 percent pure gold and minted in great quantity gradually displaced the bezant as the major international currency, circulating throughout the Arab domains and everywhere in Christian Europe as well[4].
Coins of the time of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, unearthed by archeologists, have the weight of the dinar at about 4.25grammes[5], matching the weight of the worn solidi that circulated in those areas. One could attribute this slightly lower purity of the first Islamic gold dinar compared to the Roman coin to the fact this was the first attempts of Muslims to mint their own coins and hence their relative inexperience in the refining and minting technology compared to the Romans who had been doing this for centuries. However, undoubtedly the intention was to get a coin as pure gold as possible.
However, as the Islamic empire expanded and trade flourished, it must have become apparent that the gold dinar was less in weight compared to the Roman solidus[6]. The Caliph Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz alerted that the dirhams of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan were at 7:10.5 to the mithqal instead of the standard at 7:10. Hence he corrected the matter and issued, in 99H/717CE[7], silver dirhams and gold dinars of weight 3.15gm[8] and 4.5gm respectively, i.e. similar weigh to the Roman solidus, i.e. 4.5gm[9]. Historical evidences show that by the time of the Fatimid Dynasty in Egypt, dinars of fine gold were already in circulation[10].
The Standard Weight of the Islamic Gold Dinar
Determining the standard weight should be easy but rather challenging. Easy because we are dealing with something that had existed historically, and not developing a theoretical one. One cannot totally rely on coins unearthed by archeologist in this regard because unearthed coins generally would have experienced some tear and wear depending on how long they had been in circulation and also due to some variance in the weight of individual coins themselves. Some could have been tempered through clipping and so forth. Hence it is best we resort to the definition of the coins as determined by the issuing authorities, like in this case the Byzantine Empire.
It is obvious that the Islamic gold dinar is based on Constantine’s Roman solidus which was struck 72 to the Roman Byzantine pound (litra) used for gold measurement. The litra pound is recorded to be 324 gm, which gives an ounce to be 27gm[11]. Hence the weight of the solidus is 4.5 gm as recorded, equals one mithqal, equals 24 Greco-Roman carats[12]. This coin was frequently melted down and reminted to preserve the weight. However, as mentioned earlier, the coin circulated among the Arabs with an average weight about 4.25 gm due to tear and wear. Therefore the actual mithqal or dinar should weigh 4.5gm of pure gold. Indeed this was corrected by Caliph Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz during his reign, by changing the weight from 4.25gm to 4.5gm.
It was reported on the authority of Jabir that the Prophet pbuh said, “The weight of the dinar is 24 qirats[13]”. Also Ibn Khaldun asserted the following in al-Muqaddimah:
Know that there is consensus since the beginning of Islam and the age of the Companions and the Followers that the dirham of the shari’ah is that of which ten weigh seven mithqals weight of the dinar of gold… The weight of a mithqal of gold is seventy-two grains of barley, so that the dirham which is seven-tenths of it is fifty and two-fifths grains. All these measurements are firmly established by consensus.
From the above hadith and historical facts, it can be established that the Islamic dinar is of pure gold which equals one mithqal or 24 qirats or 72 grains of barley, that equals 4.5gm in modern weight. Accordingly, a barley grain weighs 0.0625gm (4.5gm ÷ 72)[14], i.e. 62.5mg. See Table 1 below. Also well-known is the fact that 7 mithqals equal in weight to 10 dirhams. Therefore, this also implies that the silver dirham is of pure silver, weighing 3.15gm (0.7 x 4.5gm) that equals 50 2/5 grains (3.15 ÷ 0.0625 or 0.7 x 72) as mentioned by Ibn Khaldun.
Inscriptions on the Islamic Gold Dinar
Generally, the Islamic gold dinar does not depict pictures of caliphs, rulers, animals or other living things in accordance with Shariah that discourages such practice. The first Islamic gold dinar, i.e. that of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, had inscription based on Quranic verses. One could notice that the earliest coins never had full Qur’anic verses on them. Perhaps this is because the early learned scholars could have opined that it is highly possible for people to bring coins into impure places like toilets and so forth; and also possible to lose them to the ground. Also because coins pass from hand to hand in circulation, one cannot afford to make a mistake in Qur’anic verses inscribed on the coins. Once circulated it would be extremely difficult to call them back, in case of mistakes.
For example the dinar and dirham of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan had the following inscriptions: The obverse of the coin has as its central legend the Kalima Shahada, i.e. “There is no god except Allah alone, there is no partner with Him’. Around it is the mint date formula reading “In the Name of Allah. This dirham was struck in the year 79 AH”. The reverse of the coin has the central inscription based on Surah 112 of the Quran: “Allahu Ahad, Allahu-Samad, Lam Yalid wa lam Yulad wa lam Yakul-lahu Kufu-an Ahad”‘. The marginal legend is based on Surah 9, Taubah Verse 33. It states: “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, he was sent with guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over every other religion.” Note that these are not full Qur’anic verses.
Softness of 24K Gold Dinars and the Issue of Tear and Wear
The original gold dinar and silver dirham were made from pure gold and pure silver respectively. In the pure form they are soft and therefore get worn in the process of circulation. Nonetheless, gold and silver have the highest ductility and malleability among all metals[15]. The atoms of these metals are strongly bonded among them but however can move easily around them. Therefore even though the gold and silver coins can become worn in the process of circulation, the process is not easy though and rather is slow.
To address this issue of tear and wear, the Roman empire, as mentioned earlier, would melt down and remint the coins it receives as tax in order to maintain the standard weight of 4.5 grams.
Some quarters assert that the dinar should not be of pure gold since it would easily get worn out. They say that in about 3 years the coins may lose enough gold to be rejected as dinar. However, the Roman solidus that was circulating, for decades, outside the Roman empire had a weight of about 4.25 grams, with some going as low as 4 grams[16] and people did accept them as dinars. It is our contention that the Islamic government, as the Roman empire, should continuously remint the coins to preserve the weight of the coins.
Zakat on the Dinar and Dirham
It is important to note that the basis for the Prophet pbuh fixing the nisab for silver at 200 dirhams and the nisab for gold at 20 dinars was that either of these two sums represented, in his day, the market price of 5 camel-loads of grain or, in other words, of one year’s provision of essential food-stuffs for an average family. Accordingly, the value of one dinar during the prophet’s time was equal to 10 dirhams. Hence the basis for the nisab was not the physical count of the dinar but rather the purchasing power of the money. [Roy Jastram]
Hence it may not matter whether the dinar is 22K or 24K because the value of each will be based on their respective gold content. Henceforth, the nisab for silver and gold must be established on the same basis as practiced by the prophet pbuh, i.e. on the proportionate value of the year’s provision of essential foodstuffs in relation thereto, as dictated by the prevailing market price. Therefore, nisab for gold and silver must vary from year to year in conformity with the price fluctuations of essential foodgrain[17].
The Modern Implementation of the Islamic Gold Dinar
When the gold dinar gets implemented in the modern world, it would surely rely heavily on the internet. Gold-based interest-free electronic credit is the most desirable form of money (using cards, internet, mobile phones, computers etc). Here, the gold dinar would predominantly play the role as measure of value that involves only the recordings of credit transactions that are periodically net-off. Such system is not akin to fractional reserve banking because this system does not create new money and does not involve the transfer of credits for payment purposes. Therefore, in this system the need for physical dinars will be much minimized. The periodic settlements can be done even using gold bars and not necessarily using gold dinar coins. Also the system permits real-time electronic audits.
Such electronic interest-free money is desirable because it fully takes advantage of the concept of money as a measure of value, as a means for keeping score. Hence practically there will be no situations of shortage of money that can plunge an economy into recession and thereby give hoarders of money the advantage to charge interest on borrowings. Since the system does not create new money, it will not create inflation.
Islam as inherited by Muslims from the Prophet pbuh is a complete religion. As the following verse from the Holy Qur’an asserts.
This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion (Al-Maidah 5-3)
Being a religion that is complete without defects or shortcomings, it needed no human efforts to perfect it, solve or rectify any shortcomings.
As far as monetary standards in Islam are concerned, the words dinar and dirham are mentioned in the Qur’an. These precious metals are to play the role of measure of value for just economic and business transations. As Islam is pure, its measures of value must be pure too. Pure makes it easier for standardization for all nations and people, without ambiguity, forex risk; simply a pure reference point, an anchor, a numeraire.
But as for all who lay up treasures of gold and silver and do not spend them for the sake of Gods – give them the tiding of grievous suffering [in the life to come]:
With simple deductions using historical facts, we ascertained that the standard for dinar and dirham are 4.5gm of pure gold and 3.15gm of pure silver. Hence, the correction of weight from 4.25gm to 4.5gm by Umar ibn Abd Aziz. In the present time, we cannot mint a coin inferior to that of Abd al Malik ibn Marwan. Hence the WIM standard of 4.25gm of 917 gold and 2.975gm of fine silver for dinar and dirham respectively are erroneous because the coins would have about 13.4% less gold and 5.6% less silver respectively than the historical standards.
The use of 22K would lower the nisab and if people were to pay zakat on it, I guess they would not be punished for lowering the hurdle, but nonetheless 24K is the standard The value of the 22K will be based on the pure gold content of the coin, anyway.
Hence it may be trivial to argue whether the gold dinar is 22K or 24K since the gold content will determine their respective value, play the role of measure of value, and form the basis for payment of zakat based on one-years provision of food-stuff. However since the Prophet pbuh said that the system of measure is the system of Medina, I contend that it should be perfectly alright to mint the Islamic gold dinar according to that of the time of the Prophet pbuh i.e. a 24K gold coin of 4.25 grams in weight. Also since modern electronic payment systems are likely to be the way forward, the 24K fine gold should be the basis of a standard measure.
Bernstein, Peter L., The Power of Gold – The history of an obsession, John Wiley, 2000
Porteous, John (1969). “The Imperial Foundations”. Coins in history : a survey of coinage from the reform of Diocletian to the Latin Monetary Union.. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. pp. 14–33
Kitab Adh-Dharaib fi as Sawad
Hunwick, John, Islamic Financial Institutions: Theoretical Structures and Aspects fo the Application in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Credit, Currencies and Culture – African Finanical Institutions in Historical Garrard Perspaectiv, Ed. Endre Stiansen and Jane I. Guyer, Elanders Gotab, Sweden, 1999. P86
Timothy, Akan, Weights and the Gold Trade, London 1980,
▪ Islam is complete.
▪ Qur’anic verse on gold and silver – Allah must be referring to gold and gold mixed with other metals
▪ If dirham is fine silver, why dinar is not fine gold?
▪ Roy Jastram
▪ Rome was attacked 476AD, thereafter Eastern Byzantine empire existed.
▪ Byzantine emperor was Justinian who governed with his wife Theodora from 527 to 565.
▪ 9 May 2004 – On this day in A.D. 330, Constantine founded the city of Constantinople
[1] The IPK is made of a platinum–iridium alloy and is stored in a vault at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Sèvres, France. However, the weight of this alloy has been changing over time, and hence the call for a redefinition of the kilogram.
[2] Wikipedia
[3] Porteous, John (1969). “The Imperial Foundations”. Coins in history : a survey of coinage from the reform of Diocletian to the Latin Monetary Union.. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. pp. 14–33
[4] Bernstein, The Power of Gold – The history of an obsession, p67.
[5] Subhiì, 1976: p427
[6] The Roman Byzantine Empire lasted till 1416 CE. However, the Persian Sassanid Dynasty that was responsible for the silver dirham that circulated among the Arab, ended much earlier around 644CE.
[7] Kitab Adh-Dharaib fi as Sawad, p65 as referenced in http://www.islamhariini.wordpress.com
[8] Abd al-Malik’s dirham was close to 3gm, but the Roman solidus weighed 4.5gm. Hence Umar ibn Abd Aziz’s remark of the ratio 7:10.5, i.e.
[9] Archeological gold dinars of this period weighed in the range 4.4gm to 4.6gm. To what weight he corrected the dirham and the dinars depends on what standard dinar he was comparing the dirhams to. We contend it must be the Roman solidus, that weighed 4.5gm.
[10] All dinars are indeed of pure gold but constrained by mining and refining technologies of the time. By the Fatimid period Muslims seem to have perfected the technology; something the Romans had known much earlier.
[11] 27gm was the old Roman-Byzantine ounce from which the original solidus standard had been derived. See Timothy Garrard, Akan Weights and the Gold Trade, London 1980, p215.
[12] Traditionally, 1carat (the mass of a carob seed) equaled the weight of 3 barley grains or 4 wheat grains.
[13] Qirat is carat. In today’s jargon, 24K is also used to denominate pure gold.
[14] This weight of a barley grain is computed based on the above statement by Ibn Khaldun. Barley grains do vary in weight, that is subject to change due to moisture content etc. The International Systems of Units set the barley grain as equal to 0.06479891 gm
[15] Ductility is a solid material’s ability to deform under tensile stress, i.e. the material’s ability to be stretched into a wire. Malleability is a material’s ability to deform under compressive stress, i.e. the material’s ability to form a thin sheet by hammering or rolling. Both of these mechanical properties are aspects of plasticity, the extent to which a solid material can be plastically deformed without fracture [Wikipedia].
[16] That is, a loss of about 5.5% to 11.1%, but we are not sure for how long the coins circulate before losing that much.
[17] Zayas, Farishta G. de, The Law and Institution of Zakat, The Other Press, 2003, p74.

Certificate Misguided Dinar

Consider writing marked in the image below certification Dinar


It says:

"Printing these coins follow the rules of the Caliph Umar bin Khattab ra weighing 4.25 grams gold content of 91.7% and use of gold and silver to follow the guidance of the Qur'an and Sunnah".



It says:

"Gold is malleable follow piawaian Caliph Umar Al Khattab weighing 4.25 grams gold genuineness 91.7%. Usefulness of gold is to be instructed by the teachings of Quran and Sunnah."

What can be understood from the statement?

Most ordinary people would think that Umar Bin Khattab ra issued rules on the weight of dinars weighing 4.25 g and 91.7% purity.

But does it?

No. Umar bin Khattab was never issued a statement that the Dinar was weighed 4.25 g and 91.7% purity.

The statement of Umar related to Dinar and Dirham is the weight ratio of Dinar and Dirham, which weighed 7 dinars equivalent weight of 10 dirhams.

It is unfortunate that all statements - statements like the above are commonly written on the certificate - certificate of Dinar would lead to confusion and misunderstanding in the community.

The Gold Value Always The Same

History proves.

Of the stories described the actual value of gold as valuables than money just paper with numbers can be printed so easily.

At the time of the prophet are already using gold dinar (4.25 grams weight standards with levels of 22K), a media / medium of exchange. The standard is still in effect to this day. At the time it was 1 Dinar ... goat can buy 1, the current value of one dinar equivalent of 2.2 million, and if it would be able to buy a goat in the goat a fairly big hehehe .

Approximately ya, if there are two people currently holding such Person A and Person B 1 dinar holding money trus 2.2 million in 10 years they met.

Insya Allah with 1 dinar is owned, person A can still buy a goat, but if Person B with the money of 2.2 million?

hmmm ... lucky still to buy a goat (kid), perhaps can only buy soup and goat sate alone hehehe ..

No doubt many who argue and reject the comparison, because only natural to feel angry because had the goat and the goat to carry.

(Seriously so read it, hehehe ...)

One more example ..

Still remember the year 1994 motorcycle price, if not one of the 4 million - 5 million. Think wrote 5.3 million. Why that much?

Let me easily be counted, priced bike that trus 5 million SIM 300ribu to make lol ...

Let us count yeahhhhh, in 1994 the gold price Rp. 26.500/gram. Means the price of 1 motor in 1994 worth 200 grams of gold.

Wuuuih .. wuuuuih how much money it is now, if 200 grams now more than 100 jt, buy how many motors can make yeahh ...

Paper money function only as a medium of exchange, so for the exchange wrote, in exchange for a house, car, motorcycle etc..

Hopefully Helpful

30 December, 2012

Gold Zakat If It Reaches Nishab

According to the hadith history of Ali ibn Abi Talib compulsory zakat keluarin gold if we had until nishab For silver and gold is;
Nishab silver: 5 uqiyah = 200 dirham = 595 grams
Nishab gold: 20 dinars =
- For 24 karat gold 85gram
For gold-97gram 21 carat, and
For -113 grams of 18 carat gold.
zakat of 2.5%. Or 1/40 of the gold that we had. And have her period until zakat is obligatory for one haul (one full year of Hijra).
For example, we have 24-karat gold 500gr and 1 year has passed and he is obliged to spend zakat
500gram x 2.5% = 12.5 grams

10 Reasons To Invest In Gold

1. Gold is a universal value / worth and valuable global currency either in Indonesia or abroad, if paper money when abroad hrs exchanged for local currency.

2. Gold as an asset protection is immune to inflation and deflation, which is an invisible robber, the higher inflation then gold prices will further rise.

3. Gold safer, save money in the bank will charge an admin, tax rates, low interest rates and a limited guarantee (LPS).

4. Gold is more liquid (liquid), property, stocks, bonds, vehicles etc. It takes more than one day to be disbursed.

5. More flexible, investing in gold can be started from gram that is small, with limited funds we can invest in gold.

6. Gold is easy to carry and move (Moveable / portable), bring cash 500 jt very impractical and risky. Bring a 1kg gold is very practical, not size larger than BB Gemini and morbidly known.

7. Gold is durable and long lasting, property, vehicles, precious surat2 when submerged in water or natural disaster taxable value will diminish or disappear. Gold is resistant to all weather conditions, anti-corrosion, acid, water and even fire even though melt (above 1083 C) will remain the gold and worth only change shape but the purity and mass remains.

8. Gold for the short term but for the long-term fluctuations will continue to rise, since the last 10 years its value rose more than 260% or 37.5% / year.

9. Gold is ownership and stewardship (ownership and management of its own), the gold that we purchase, we have and we who save. When we hold the gold, it means we are holding assets that are not dependent on others.

10. Gold as an investment asset or interchangeable in inheritance to his children and grandchildren without must through the legal process as a sale or deed of inheritance etc..