31 December, 2012

The Gold Value Always The Same

History proves.

Of the stories described the actual value of gold as valuables than money just paper with numbers can be printed so easily.

At the time of the prophet are already using gold dinar (4.25 grams weight standards with levels of 22K), a media / medium of exchange. The standard is still in effect to this day. At the time it was 1 Dinar ... goat can buy 1, the current value of one dinar equivalent of 2.2 million, and if it would be able to buy a goat in the goat a fairly big hehehe .

Approximately ya, if there are two people currently holding such Person A and Person B 1 dinar holding money trus 2.2 million in 10 years they met.

Insya Allah with 1 dinar is owned, person A can still buy a goat, but if Person B with the money of 2.2 million?

hmmm ... lucky still to buy a goat (kid), perhaps can only buy soup and goat sate alone hehehe ..

No doubt many who argue and reject the comparison, because only natural to feel angry because had the goat and the goat to carry.

(Seriously so read it, hehehe ...)

One more example ..

Still remember the year 1994 motorcycle price, if not one of the 4 million - 5 million. Think wrote 5.3 million. Why that much?

Let me easily be counted, priced bike that trus 5 million SIM 300ribu to make lol ...

Let us count yeahhhhh, in 1994 the gold price Rp. 26.500/gram. Means the price of 1 motor in 1994 worth 200 grams of gold.

Wuuuih .. wuuuuih how much money it is now, if 200 grams now more than 100 jt, buy how many motors can make yeahh ...

Paper money function only as a medium of exchange, so for the exchange wrote, in exchange for a house, car, motorcycle etc..

Hopefully Helpful

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