31 December, 2012

Islam Today And Understanding Riba

By: Abbas Word, IMN

This paper is presented to answer the question of what is the real source of the problem is that Islam today is against the Muslims of Indonesia (Nusantara) in particular and the world in general. This paper opens the curtains kebusukkan of usury system (banks and paper money), Demorkasi is a tool of global capitalism that ensures that we continue to be controlled and oppressed both physically and mentally. Riba is a hate crime in God even God declared war terhadapa moneylenders or loan sharks (bankers) who today legalized in a democracy. The question What is usury? whether usury was limited interest? What is the relationship Riba and paper money? How do I fix this? let us refer to this paper

Allah subhana wa ta'ala and the Messenger alayhi wasallam salallaahu clearly forbidden usury-ie, including the setting and take interest:

People who eat (take) riba can not stand but as stands one whom Satan possessed because (pressure) insanity. Thus those circumstances, it is because they say (argue), 'Verily sale is the same as usury, "but Allah has made buying and selling and forbidden usury. People who have to ban him from his Lord, and then stop (from taking usury), then for him what he has taken first (before coming ban) and his business (up) to God. People who repeat (taking riba), that person is the dwellers of the Fire, they will abide therein.

Allah destroy usury and nourish charity. And Allah does not like every person who remains in disbelief, and always sin. Surely those who believe, work righteousness, establish prayer and pay zakat, their reward with their Lord. There is no fear come upon them, and not (also) they grieve.

O ye who believe, fear Allah, and leave the rest of usury (which have not been collected) if ye are believers. So if you do not do (of war) then know that Allah and His Messenger will fight you. And if ye repent, then you staple your treasure; You do not persecute and not (also) be persecuted. Al-Quran 2: 275-278

"O you who believe, do not consume usury, doubled and ye fear Allah that you may prosper. And save yourself from hell, reserved for those who disbelieve. And obey Allah and the messenger, that ye may be given mercy. "Al-Quran 3: 130-13

Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi'bahwa he heard 'Abdullah ibn' Umar said, "If someone lends something, let the sole condition that settled." Al-Muwatta Imam Malik: 31.44.94

Malik narrated to me that he heard 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said, "If someone makes a loan, they can not assign the agreement more than that. Although only a handful of grass, it is usury. "Al-Muwatta Imam Malik: 31.44.95

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Messenger alayhi wasallam salallaahu curse those who receive, who pays, who witnessed, and which records usury. Sunna Imam Abu Dawud: 16.1249.

Riba literally means "excess" in Arabic. Qadi Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi, in his book 'Ahkamul Qur'an', defined as: 'Any excess of the value of goods given to the value-tandingnya (value of goods that are received).' Excess refers to two things:

1. Additional benefits derived from an unjustified increase in weight and size and.
2. Additional benefits derived from the delay (time) is not justified.

Definition of usury in Islam is described in more detail Ibn Rushd (al-Hafid) a Jurist, in his book al-Mujtahid Bidaya, Chapter Trade. Ibn Rushd explained several sources usury into eight types of transactions:

1.Transaksi characterized by a statement 'Give me respite (in repayment) and I'll add (number of returns)
2. Sales with the addition of the forbidden;
3. Sales to delay payment of the forbidden;
4. Sales were mixed up with debt;
5. Sales of gold and merchandise for gold;
6. Reducing the amount in exchange for quick resolution;
7. Sales of food products that have not been fully accepted;
8. or Sales are mixed up with the exchange of money.

Please note that Ibn Rushd wrote Bidayat al-Mujtahid by analyzing the various opinions of the imams of the four main madhhab. Two aspects have prompted scholars to define two types of riba. Ibn Rushd said: "The judges of the consensus says about usury in Buyu '(trade) in two types of delay (nasi'ah) and the excess of the specified (tafadul)

So, there are two types of riba:

1. Riba al-fadl is the addition of the debts. Can be explained as follows, lease transactions involve two elements, both the delay and the value addition can only be done on certain objects such as buildings, vehicles, animals, and the like, and not the other objects are used up and can not utilized parts per share - such as food and objects to be used as a medium of exchange, ie money. Lease money means destructive nature of the transaction, and make it as usury. In this case what happens is riba riba al-fadl, as rents for similar money by adding value debts.

Transactions debts containing delay (difference) time, but no additional elements. Someone lend you 10 dinars, and the borrower to repay, after a delay of a few days, the same amount, 10 dinar. Delay time in debts is justified and lawful, but the addition of it is not justified and is haraam. The addition of the debts is riba al-fadl.

Riba al-Fadl refers to the number (quantity). Riba an-nasiah refers to the time delay. Riba al-fadl very easy to understand. In lending, riba al-fadl an interest to be paid. But in general, this represents an increase of usury in addition to match the value requested by a party.

2. Riba-Nasiah is an advantage because of the delay. Riba is an excess in time (delay) that are artificially added to the transaction taking place. The delay is not allowed. It refers to the real thing ('ayn) and intangible objects (Dayn), medium of payment (gold, silver and food - where gold and silver were used as money).

'Ayn (real) is the real merchandise, often referred to as cash. Dayn (not real) or a promise to pay the debt, or whatever the payment or repayment delayed. Swapping (safar) Dayn to 'ayn of the same type called riba an-nasiah. Swapping Dayn to Dayn also unclean. In exchange, which may be exchanged only 'ayn with' ayn.

Riba an-nasiah specifically refers to the use Dayn (not a real object) in the exchange (safar) a similar kind of thing. But this prohibition extends to general trade if Dayn (something that is not real) represents money that exceeds the actual function and replace 'ayn (the real thing) as a general means of payment.

Understanding riba an-nasiah very important to be able to understand our position with regard to paper money. The reason why the clergy modernist take on a distorted view of usury in the end is a senagaja and is not to endorse the banking system (paper money and interest) that actually can not be accepted. The failure of modern scholars in understanding the capitalist techniques has resulted justification that later transformed into Islamic banking or Islamic banking. Emergency principle combined with the elimination of riba an-nasiah has allowed them to justify the use of paper money and in turn justify the cash reserve banking (fractional reserve banking), which is the base of the banking system today that dimampankan in a democratic system.

From this it is clear visible position paper money banknotes position in muamalah Islam. In Islam all sale and purchase transactions must satisfy three conditions:

1. Voluntary or called antaroddin minkum,
2. Equivalent or called bi mithlan mithlin, and
3. Cash or called bi yaddan yaddin.

Paper money, called the dollar, euro or pound sterling or whatever, can not meet the third requirement. paper money is not voluntary, it is not equal, and no cash. so, you want to make buy eggs, rice, goat or pay for anything, paper money can not be used, vanity, is prohibited. Paper money can not meet the three conditions of sale, as in it contains two kinds of usury as well, namely:

1.Riba al Fadl (for inequality), and
2.Riba an Nasiah (due to payment delays) is.

So clearly, it's paper money, illicit doubled. Today, paper money and usury banking system entered ketengah Indonesian Muslims to integrate the (established) through a trojan horse called democracy.

By looking at the above, banks should not only be considered as a culprit usury but we also accept blame if usury is not something there that seemed distant foreign to us. To finish off this usury business days, realize that usury as part of the way we trade daily. We made so dependent on the practice of usury and the solution is to change the way we trade daily until no longer rely on usury. This is our common duty to obey God and His Apostle.

First we were told to leave usury, after that you may fisabilillah jihad. The Prophet clearly stated both parties involved in the transaction usury as proverbs.

"'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud Radiyallahu' anhu said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam cursed the levy and the pay usury. I asked what that record transactions and two witnesses. So he (hadith narrators) said, 'We say what we heard.' "(Al-Muslim, Chapter DCXXVII)

"Jabir said that Allah wa sallam cursed sallallahu'alayhi collector and payer, ticker, and two witnesses, then he said, 'They're all the same.'" (Al-Muslim, Chapter DCXXVII, 3881)

Some of the people who said 'smart' or people who already apathetic thought that we could not leave paper money and banking. In fact, leaving the matter of usury is not impossible, but it is the easiest. Starting with the return to the dinar and dirham. Because Allah subhanahu wa ta `ala does not impose an obligation on every human being beyond his control. Allah subhanahu wa ta `ala give a way out to be done by Muslims today in the archipelago that is left fighting usury and moneylenders (proverbs).

Leaving riba means create (restore) way trade (buying and selling) the lawful among us, beginning with the in-use them again Dinar Dirham. And combat proverbs (harb) is practicing again with all means to live in accordance with Shariah guidelines that will automatically destroy their means of usury. Both these things should be done simultaneously, because the less wise when we called and asked Muslims to leave the system and the general usury when at the same time there is no other option offered, and thank God it has been preferred in this regard has been circulating in Indonesia Islamic dinar and dirham has been printed by Muslims through Islamic Mint Nusantara Indonesia (2000), and has also goes Mobile dinar and dirham called Dinarfirst Dinarfirst Courier, Muslim Trade Network and the Open Market in YOUR (Saudagara Nusantara). This is our common task that lies before us, Muslims today. Obedience to Allah and His Messenger, is the key to victory.

As we have learned over the definition of usury which has been described by Ibn Rusd referring to four ulema Madhab, then we see Islam today so clear what the position of reformist Islam that seeks to Islamize the capitalist system of usury and paper money, then create Islamic banks or bank Sharia, these reformers intentionally or neglected aspect of understanding usury and paper money with a redefined sense of usury in order to enter the modern economy or a capitalist system that is fully based on usury through democracy into Muslim life today. Let's leave the system of usury that is prohibited by Allah and His Apostle, let us use the dinar and dirham, waiting. Bismillah.

The way out of the system is to return to practice usury life without usury ie without usury lawful trade in open markets with transactions without usury Islam, and how to get started? The first step to get back to the dinar coin can be started from ourselves and our families are:

1. Dhikr and ask help from God to be spared usury
2. Immediately save or store the dinar and dirham pure,
3. Starting pay zakat mal dinars dirham
4. Using a Mahar in Marriage
5. Using the family gathering
6. As a non-voluntary barter coins muamalah

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