03 January, 2013

FISCAL Canyons U.S.: Pentagon Urges Congress Prevent Budget Cuts

WASHINGTON: U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Wednesday (02/01) urged Congress to avert defense budget cuts that would occur if lawmakers in two months failed to agree on how to reduce the budget deficit.

But the head of the Pentagon on the other hand welcomed the deal "fiscal cliff" that prevents, at least two months, automatic budget cuts that could hit military spending and lead to consequences "damaging".

"If Congress does not act, the Department of Defense - with other federal agencies - will be forced to take dramatic action that interferes with our mission," said Penetta in a statement.

"Congress has prevented the worst outcome possible by delaying the automatic budget cuts (otherwise known as 'sequestration') for two months. Unfortunately, however, the threat is still there," he said.

"What is now needed is to eliminate the threat by implementing a balanced deficit reduction," said Penetta.

According to him, the Defense Department has cut spending plans as much as 487 billion U.S. dollars in the next 10 years.

But the "ghost" additional automatic budget cuts amounting to 500 billion U.S. dollars to make the department he leads a hard time making a budget plan. "We need stability for the future budget," Panetta said.

Congress held a voting all night to avoid a tax increase for the people of the United States tiered and automatic spending cuts that threaten the country's economy back into recession.

The agreement is a political victory for President Barack Obama, would raise taxes on the very rich and the delay for two months the threat of automatic spending cuts sebanak 109 billion U.S. dollars.

If pomotongan expenditure is implemented, then the Pentagon will be forced to reduce training for the army, reducing spending for intelligence, to cancel the purchase of multiple guns, and dismiss many civil servants.

The value of defense spending cuts are as much as 52.3 billion dollars for 2013 - or about 10 percent of the total.

If the automatic cuts should be enacted within the next two months, an official said semakit implications would be dramatic because the largest portion of the defense budget for fiscal year 2013 will be spent after February.

Some skeptics say that the Pentagon and the defense industry has been exaggerating the impact of budget cuts.

According to them, the United States spending too much for the military it is time to be reduced.

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