30 December, 2012

Gold Zakat If It Reaches Nishab

According to the hadith history of Ali ibn Abi Talib compulsory zakat keluarin gold if we had until nishab For silver and gold is;
Nishab silver: 5 uqiyah = 200 dirham = 595 grams
Nishab gold: 20 dinars =
- For 24 karat gold 85gram
For gold-97gram 21 carat, and
For -113 grams of 18 carat gold.
zakat of 2.5%. Or 1/40 of the gold that we had. And have her period until zakat is obligatory for one haul (one full year of Hijra).
For example, we have 24-karat gold 500gr and 1 year has passed and he is obliged to spend zakat
500gram x 2.5% = 12.5 grams

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