04 January, 2013

Moves So Soft Targets Tools Malware In 2013

Mobile devices (mobile), particularly smart phones will become an easy target for the makers of malicious software (malware) in 2013. As for who will be the main target is Android based smart phones are expected to have a two-fold growth in malware.

Analysts antivirus vaksin.com Alfons Tanujaya revealed, malware that attacks Android smart phones will grow to more than double by 2013. The main motivation of the makers of malware that attacks Android is financial.

"In 2013, malware authors will attack because of financial motives, such as online payment, and Internet banking," said Alfons, when dhubungi Business, Wednesday (2/1).

Juniper Research said in 2013 is estimated to access banking services through smart phones will reach 530 million users. This prediction is increased by nearly 50% from the number in 2011, which reached 300 million users accessed banking services from smart phones.

"It will be increasingly prevalent due to an authentication weakness. Especially in Indonesia, is worrying, although until 2013 Indonesia Internet banking system is still relatively safe," said Alfons.

Alfons explained, in 2012, the global Android experienced the highest growth in the number of malware, although to date the highest number of malware is attacking Windows. Alfons mention in Indonesia, malware that attacked Android has the highest percentage of more than 70%, while the malware that attacks Symbian 20%.

"Most malware writers to attack the operating system that has the highest market share and open systems. IOS and Blackberry little malware because of its closed system," said Alfons.

According to reports received by the Kaspersky Security Bulletin Business, throughout 2012, globally, malware that attacked Android dominates, even reaching 98%, while J2ME malware that attacks at 0.97% and 0.04% Symbian. In addition, Kaspersky Lab revealed that 99% of mobile device malware detected by Kaspersky, attacking Android. The number of malware that attacks Android highest were recorded in June 2012 7,000 malware.

These conditions will continue to survive and even tended to increase this year. Not only the quantity to be increased, in terms of complexity and compatibility malware will increase as the extent of the Android market in 2013. Eset recorded during 2012 the number of variants of malware targeting Android as much as 56 types, while in 2011 reached 52 species.

The behavior of malware that will continue in 2013, according to Eset ie information theft (spyware), deployment cost premium SMS to number, and change the device and the system will become zombies (botnet recruitment). In 2012, information theft via malware by 28%, the spread of SMS to the premium cost by 40%, and turn the device into a zombie by 32%.

Furthermore, based Kaspersky Security Bulletin, throughout 2012, there are three categories of the biggest malware that attacks Android, namely SMS Trojan, advertising models, and root exploits.

Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.OPfake.bo topped with a percentage of 32.87%, while Trojan.AndroidOS.Plangton.a followed in second place with 18.27%.

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