01 January, 2013

FOOD & DRINK: Ready-Ready Early 2013 Price Up 5% -10%.

Secretary-General of the Food and Beverage Association of Indonesia Franky Sibarani expect further increases in the price of food and drinks at 5% -10% in the quarter I/2013.

"Of course the condition of stability and security in the country and the influx of imported products affect the increase in prices of food and beverages. Kenaikkannya rate between 5% -10%," he told Reuters in Jakarta, Monday (24/12)

He explained that the increase was due to increased production costs to be borne by employers. But on the other hand he said, local entrepreneurs have to face the threat of imported products flooding the domestic market.

"Make no mistake, we are 'horrified' faces imported products. Because if you want to ride but do not import the product and how rising, while production costs increased," he said.

Franky add price increase was submitted to each of the food and beverage industry. Because according to him, GAPMMI can not determine the amount of increase in the general.

However, he stressed, the increase was not something favorable to employers because they have to take into account purchasing power. He said that this condition should be handled so that no condition is stable injured party, employees and the community.

"Never seen that increase the beneficial and safe for the employer because if nobody bought any products made ​​by employers are harmed," he said.

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